The value of membership is immeasurable; without the VOA, optometrists in Virginia would still be fixing only fitting glasses!
- The current dues for OD’s in practice greater than 4 years is less than $1900*. The cost is lower for OD’s with fewer years of active practice. This expense is a write-off to your practice (consult your accountant). Dues include membership in the AOA, Southern Council (SECO), and VOA.
- Only VOA members are sent updates on issues including HIPAA, Rx authority, policies, corporate practice laws, insurance code updates and more.
- Only the VOA monitors legislation, regulations, policy changes, and attorney general opinions and promptly communicates the information to the membership.
- Only members automatically receive discounts at conferences of the AOA, SECO, and VOA, with an annual cost savings to you of over $500 per year.*
- Only VOA members receive classified ads to find employees, equipment, and more.
- Only VOA members get to affiliate with a local society.
- Only VOA members receive email and mailing addresses to all of the members in the state.
The VOA is your EYES, EARS, and VOICE for issues every OD will face politically, in business, in patient encounters, and more—The value for your dues is immeasurable!
*Based on 2022 data
- Continuing Education
- Discounts at the VOA Annual Conference and VOA Fall Conference to learn from top optometric educators
- Discounts to our Coding Seminar and Rx Authority Update Seminars
- Discounts to SECO and AOA Conferences
- Educational forums for your paraoptometric, including testing and certification and opticianry education
- Other Benefits
- VOA is an informational resource for doctors when considering:
- What vision and medical panels to join
- How to find an associate
- What buying groups to join
- Malpractice insurance
- Forming partnerships with other OD’s or physicians
- VOA provides a newsletter with valuable practice information, timely practical news, updates, and classified ads
- VOA handles patient and consumer complaints against members—VOA will assist by addressing the problem (not finding fault), in an effort to not have the patient file a complaint with the licensing board
- VOA provides assistance through a Peer Review Committee for any member who is audited by any state agency
- VOA is an information resource to members with Board of Optometry related issues, sanctions, or hearing
 Abyde - HIPAA compliance software for medical professionals
- AOAExcel® - Career Resources, Insurance Products, Personal and Practice Finance Options, and more!
- AVIS Car Rentals - Up to 30% discount on reservations. Use code Z442954
- BlueFin Agency - Branded appointment cards, eye glass wipes, shirts, pens, and more!
- IC System - Collection agency
- Practice Compliance Solutions - Practice manuals
- The VOA Board of Trustees (elected officers and other members who volunteer their time and effort) work diligently with the VOA Executive Director, Bo Keeney, to continue to advance the profession while protecting the rights and privileges of doctors of optometry. Mr. Keeney is very familiar with the problems facing optometry: access, recognition, and fairness. He is adept at dealing with vision-care plans, medical plans, any-willing-provider legislation, post-operative care, and regulatory agencies. The VOA also monitors the activities of VA Society of Ophthalmology, VA Medical Society, VA Retail Merchants Association, and more.
- The VOA has been responsible for nullifying Medicare plans to eliminate postoperative care by an OD; for providing postoperative care by an OD under Medicaid; maintaining corporate practice prohibitions over 70 years; expanding Rx ability to include all oral medications for the eye and its adnexa. The VOA is dedicated to working for you, your practice and your patients every day. The VOA has been fighting for optometry for over 100 years—Join the TEAM today!!!
Student Member Benefits Guide